Busy? Too busy with the drudgery of life to get your writing done? That was me too. Then my friend Kathy, also a busy small business woman, and I hit upon a plan. We thought we’d be able to squeeze in half an hour for our own writing projects between all the chores and paid work. It was necessary. Boy, was I getting grumpy when I wasn’t writing. The kind of grumpiness only cured by writing. 

But 30 minutes? What can you get done in that small space of time?

Turns out, you can write a whole book and then do a second draft, including a scene list. I know, because I’ve done just that. In less than six months. I’ve written an entire 80 000 word comedy manuscript and redrafted it, all to a timer set to 30 minutes. I like to do my 30 early in the day because, like most things, if I get stuck into the busyness of work, I don’t emerge till evening by which time my brain juice is empty. So it’s mornings for me, but anytime will do. I also like to play some writing music, with the sound of a train clattering on tracks behind it, urging me forward. 

Photo by Mark Plu00f6tz on Pexels.com

I knew I could probably write the first draft in short bursts, I do lots of timed writing exercises and know that good quality work comes when you’re not thinking about it too much – and only having a limited time certainly stopped me reviewing what I’d already written and falling into that easy trap of rewriting the beginning before you reach the end. Having the timer on forced me to keep writing forward. DON’T LOOK BACK is the first draft motto – keep writing until you reach the end. And I did! I had so much fun, most days I had to force myself to stop writing. Writing comedy for the first time was also a revelation, I was making myself laugh instead of cry for a change. Hopefully other people will also find it funny!

I was more concerned about doing a second draft in short bursts, but by writing a scene list as I went through I was able to hold a full picture of the novel despite the time constraints. I’d put so many barriers up “I need a whole block of time.” “I need at least a week to focus solely on the project”. “I need to have a clean slate.” Now all of these things would have been wonderful and I’ve booked a week for just my own writing in June, but I’ve also learnt that books can get written and redrafted in 30 minute blocks outside these dream conditions.

So what are you waiting for? Got a story that you need to get out of your head on the page? Too busy with life to make a start? Bugger that!

Make yourself a promise to give the 30 minutes a day a try. Super busy? Make it 15 minutes. Ten! Put a timer on, find a quiet spot, tell everyone “I’m out for the next however long” and write like the wind, free and fast and carefree. Write and write and write. Don’t stop until that timer goes off. Then stop, even if you’re on a roll. End mid-sentence as Ernest Hemmingway suggested – that way you know exactly where to start the following day. Feel better. Writing helps grumpy writers find their joy again. It’s the writing itself that is the magic. Creating! Get to it!

Photo by furkanfdemir on Pexels.com

Find a writing buddy to do the 30 a day club with and send a message when you’ve done yours, checking your friend is also on track. No judgement or criticism allowed. Just encouragement. Kathy and I have had down times when life was just too busy, but we’ve slowly pulled each other back and got on with the job. Days off are allowed, as are binge writing days. Sharing the adventure of your 30 minutes a day is part of the fun.

The best part for me is feeling like a writer again. I love writing. I love the magic that happens on the page when I step out of the way and let the story tell itself.

Give the 30 Minutes a Day Club a try. Rekindle your joy in writing. Connect with a writing buddy and get ready to roll!

Photo by Suzy Hazelwood on Pexels.com

Let me know how you go! Reaching The End today on my second draft was a joy I didn’t think would happen. But now here it is and I feel like I’m ready to start a whole new project. 

What will I do for my 30 tomorrow? 

I’ll write. I’ll just write and see what happens.

With lots of love

Edwina  xx

P.S. JUST WRITE RETREAT! Still some spots available at the April 4 – 8 2024 JUST WRITE RETREAT in Springbrook – Gold Coast Hinterland. All the info HERE. CONTACT ME to make sure you don’t miss out. 4 nights, 5 days – JUST WRITING! Plus daily Q & A plus a couple of workshops to help you focus and a Pomodoro collective writing room for those who write best in company!.

2 thoughts on “WRITE A BOOK IN THIRTY MINUTES A DAY! The 30 a day club!

    • How wonderful!!! So glad you and Annette are enjoying the process. Keep going! It’s amazing how the words pile up. Have fun you two and write like the wind!! With love and sunshine from Queensland Australia. Come say hello sometime. Italian retreat coming in 2025 😃🎉🥳 xxx

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