Writing can be a lonely business but it needn’t be! The greatest joy of my writing life is connecting with other writers, through my workshops, editing and retreats, but even more so connecting with other writers who help me iron out the problems in my own work – my writing buddies!

Over the years I’ve had several different writing buddies and some that have lasted the whole long way. These writing friends hold a special corner of my heart. A unique trust develops as we share often deeply personal work and help each other figure out how to make the words sing, how to get the message across more clearly, or how to fix that awful character you just can’t figure out.

Photo by Q. Hu01b0ng Phu1ea1m on

Can’t see the forest for the trees?

When we’re writing, especially longer works, it can be hard to see whether the structure is working or if our characters are likeable for all the words in the way. We can’t see the forest of our book for the trees of our laboured-over words. This is where the eyes of another kind writer can help. Another writer can stand above our forest and show us the way through. They can say, “Hey, you’ve veered off to the left here, away from the main story, time to get back on track,” or “Hmmm, seems like you lost one of your characters after chapter 3,” or “Wow, your dialogue is great, but a lot of the time I don’t know which forest we’re in. You need more setting detail.” You get the gist.

Gay and I have been writing buddies for a while now (as well as retreat buddies).

Friends and Family?

We can show our writing to friends and family and they may say nice things… Marion’s partner famously said, “Jolly good,” about everything she wrote. Or they can say not so helpful things like, “Who’d want to read that?” like my ex once did. If your family member or friend is an avid reader or a writer themselves, then their feedback is useful and of course we want to keep them as our cheering squad, BUT if we want useful, applicable advice, it needs to come from someone on the same path – a fellow writer.

Enter the Writing Buddy

If you’re lucky you already belong to a writing group where members read and critique each other’s work. Keep these groups small, no more than five, or the feedback can become overwhelming. But really you just need one good writing friend who you can show work to when you’ve gone cross-eyed reviewing it on your own. That fresh pair of eyes to see what you’ve become blind to is invaluable, a treasure in fact.

For many years my writing buddy Helena and I exchanged manuscripts and helped each other polish them to publishable standard. My friend Marion was also invaluable. Now I belong to a writing group of five authors whose help is incredibly useful, even just doing short pieces. And I have wonderful feedback buddies in my international retreat cohost Kerstin Pilz and my other retreat friends. Every reader willing to give feedback is a valued gem, even if all they do is fix typos. But the very best writing buddies can see the big picture of what you’re trying to achieve and help you get there.

How do you find a writing buddy?

I met my first writing buddy, Marion, at a QLD Writer’s Centre Workshop – we caught the bus together and started a writing group as we chatted on the way home. Helena and I met as students doing the Mphil in Creative Writing at UQ. I met Vahida my lovely new writing buddy on a retreat at Varuna House. And now I have my writers group made up primarily of fellow writing tutors at UQ and my treasured retreaters, including the beautiful Gay whose new book is coming soon! Can’t wait!

So to find your writing buddy I recommend you go places you’ll meet other writers in real life. Online buddies are okay, you can get critiques from people on GoodReads and other online places like fan fiction sites, or through Facebook groups. Attend writing workshops, treat yourself to a retreat, connect with like-minded writers who have a trick or two up their sleeves and arrange to meet regularly to exchange work for feedback. Don’t be afraid to ask, “Hey, would you like to swap work for feedback sometime?”

Photo by Yaroslav Shuraev on

Why feedback matters

Of course you can continue blithely on your merry way alone, but feedback from a fellow writer will only improve your work and increase your chances of publication, or a wider readership. Feedback points out problems we may not have seen, but deep in our guts knew were there. Feedback shows us what our strong points are and where we may need a bit more practice. Feedback shows us that someone has read our work with attention to detail and cares enough to help us improve it. Feedback matters.

Have you got a writing buddy? Or a writing group? Do you swap work and compare notes on your writing? If not, why not? Start now!

If you’re still looking, then sign up for a few workshops or come along on a retreat and find your people, ask one or two of them if they’d like to share work for feedback, or make a writing group.

Writing buddies make writing more fun!

We all need friends in this crazy business full of rejection and criticism from strangers. Our books are our precious creations and beginning to show our work to trusted fellow writers toughens up our writerly skins to prepare us to share our writing with the world. Writing buddies cheer us on when we get a lucky break and help us drown our sorrows when a rejection hits hard. They encourage us to brush ourselves off and get back on the horse that threw us, sit back at the desk and start writing again. Besides, writers’ meetings can include food and wine and lots of laughter.

Have fun! Life is short, find a writing buddy to share your love of words today!

Lots of love

Edwina 🙂 xx


The view from our spectacular private lookout in Springbrook

Have you made it all the way to the end of your first draft? Most of the way? Or at least a bit, but then you got stuck? Need some help and motivation to move onto the next stage of writing? Do you like a deadline? Make this retreat the deadline for your first draft! Need to prepare pitch documents and figure out how, and where, to submit your work?

This retreat is for you!

This special retreat is for those with a bit of writing under their belts, looking for some advice and information on self-editing and structure. Get ready for your second draft!

Workshops are focused on:

  • Finding the themes and key messages of our stories and honing in on those in the manuscripts,
  • STRUCTURE – working out a structure that will support and enhance your plot and make it a compelling read.
  • Fixing your sentences. Get your head around the nitty-gritty of sentences and learn ways to clean up your prose to make it strong and vigorous.
  • Pitch to agents or publishers and learn how to write that dreaded synopsis.

Connect with other writers at a similar level and get useful advice and feedback on your work in progress in small feedback groups, or pay a little more for written feedback from Edwina and an individual session to talk through any issues you’re facing.

All in beautiful Springbrook in the Gold Coast hinterland with plenty of room to spread out and lie in the grass to write, or prop yourself up against a giant tree, or hole up in your room all weekend and just write your heart out without distraction. Ask questions and get all the answers you need from Edwina and the braintrust of attending writers. Have fun and relax. Stretch out with yoga every morning and let go of all your worries with deep breathing and relaxation techniques in the evening.

Explore the beautiful grounds, take long walks at the nearby National Parks, or wander down to our lookout and waterfall and rock hop your way to solitude in nature. Let the birdsong and rustle of leaves soothe you as you write and rewrite, then come sit by the fire and talk through any challenges with your project with other writers as you feast on Gay’s delicious home cooked meals and treats.

A weekend out of time, just for you and your story. You’ve been working hard on your book. Treat yourself to this weekend of connection and information, to help elevate your story and prepare it for publication.


All meals, workshops and accomodation in comfortable but basic single rooms with a desk and electric blankets for those cold winter nights are included, all for only $500 (early bird unwaged) or $650 (early bird – employed).

EARLY BIRD PRICES CLOSE 30 June 2024. BOOK YOUR PLACE NOW to avoid disappointment, places are already filling.

Check that spaces are available with Edwina first, then PAY YOUR $200 DEPOSIT before 30 June to secure early bird prices.

Any questions or to get the flyer, contact Edwina.

Come and join the fun and joy of connecting with other like-minded writing women. Make this August your time to have your first draft finished and reward yourself with this uplifting, informative and inspiring retreat!

Hope you can come!

Lots of love

Edwina xx