Relax and Write Memoir and Life Writing Retreat: 18 – 20 October 2024

Is your creative spirit crying out for a little TLC? Always wanted to write but don’t know where to start? Need to reboot your writing mojo and be inspired to tackle that project you’ve been thinking about forever? Feeling trapped? Unable to find any time for yourself, let alone your writing?

Rescue is at hand!

Come along and regain your love of writing and life at the next Relax and Write Retreat 

From midday FRIDAY 18 October – 4 pm SUNDAY 20 October 2024

Join like-minded women in a fun and supportive environment discovering just how much some deep relaxation can ignite your imagination and get you writing again.

Relax and unwind with gentle morning yoga sessions and be inspired by innovative workshops to help move those stories out of your head and onto the page. Your voice is valid. You deserve to be heard. 

“I feel transformed, as a writer and as a human being.”

Bianca Millroy – writer and retreater

The program includes two yoga sessions, four workshops to get you writing, plus advice on submitting your work. Two nights comfortable but basic single accommodation with bathrooms shared between two women, plus delicious vegetarian meals, snacks and a special readings night around the fire are all included.

“The fully-catered retreat environment was comfortable and stress-free. An atmosphere that encourages, motivates and inspires.” Gay Liddington – writer and retreater

Connect with other creative women in a beautiful, peaceful location high above the world in the heritage rainforest of Springbrook at the magical Theosophical Society Retreat Centre. Gaze out over an untouched wilderness and dip your toes in the pristine creek. Rest in nature and remember your creative self and how to play.

No more putting your dreams on hold. Treat yourself to this special weekend nurturing your writing spirit. We always have a wonderful time!

This is my eighth year running these retreats, and I am still amazed and heartened by the beautiful and talented women who make these retreats so special.

RETREAT PROGRAM All activities are optional


ARRIVAL from midday – set up and do your own writing, take a walk or grab a massage

4 pm – Meet and Greet  

4:30 – 6:30 WORKSHOP 1– Your Stories



7:15 am – 8:30 – Gentle morning yoga and breathing


10:00 am – 12:30 pm – WORKSHOP 2 – Character and Dialogue

12.30 pm – LUNCH 


4 – 6:00 pm – WORKSHOP 3 – Writing from start to finish – developing a plot and a plan

6:00 pm – DINNER

6:45 – 8:00 pm – Readings around the fire


7:15 – 8:30 – Gentle morning yoga and breathing


10:00 – 12:30 – WORKSHOP 4 – Where and how to submit work, goal setting, questions and collage

12:30 – LUNCH


Editorial feedback sessions with Edwina are available on request ($75 extra) for those needing advice on a project. Massages will also be available at extra cost – oh but they are heavenly!


COST for the weekend of writing, fun and feasting, including comfortable single accommodation, with bathrooms shared between 2, all meals, 2 yoga sessions, 4 creative writing workshops and a readings night. Transport not included.

Pay your deposit by August 31 for EARLY BIRD PRICES

UNWAGED: EARLY BIRD $550, Normal $600

WAGED: EARLY BIRD $700, Normal $750

All inclusive! For single accommodation and all retreat activities and meals.


Or contact Edwina for more info and to check that spaces are still available.

Renew your creative spirit and rest awhile in nature.

Hope you can come!

Lots of love

Edwina xx

Learn more about Edwina HERE


Cover of A Guide Through Grief

Grief hurts! It hurts like hell. The pain of loss can be so intense it stops us in our tracks. I know; grief has been a shaping force in my life. A Guide Through Grief is the book I wished I’d had when I was fourteen and my father died after a long battle with cancer and I was thrown into the rollercoaster of emotions that accompanies the loss of someone or something you love. It has the tools I needed when my brother Matty killed himself at twenty after struggling with schizophrenia for many years. The tools I had when my infant son Teddy died after only a few days from a congenital heart defect.

For years I searched for a book that helped me find a way through what felt like the impenetrable maze of grief, something to show me the way forward. Elisabeth Kubler-Ross’s book On Death and Dying helped a bit, but every other text on grief I picked up only made me feel worse. I needed tools, practical ways to help myself feel better.

I never did find a book that helped, so I wrote one myself. In the years following the death of my son, I wrote A Guide Through Grief and in it I share all the practical and creative tools that helped me recover my joy in life.

So I am very happy to announce that I will be holding a

MOVING THROUGH GRIEF WORKSHOP at Books@Stones bookstore in Stones Corner, Brisbane on

Sunday 26th March 2023 from 10:30 am to 1pm.

Yes, shit happens. But turn that shit into fertiliser and grow yourself a beautiful garden. Let me show you how.

There is a way forward, you won’t always feel so lost. Let me gently guide you through some easy, soothing activities in a small group to help you find a way to smile at life again. Find your way through the maze of emotions grief brings in this gentle, nurturing 2.5 hour workshop led by an experienced facilitator who has experienced grief herself many times over and come out the other side, happy and strong.

Explore how using a variety of creative techniques and simple, non-strenuous yoga practices, will help you heal the pain of losing someone or something you love. This workshop will leave you feeling comforted, heard and held. You may even laugh a little 🙂

Places are strictly limited to no more than 15 participants so do DROP ME A LINE to confirm availability.

AGTG front cover (marketing) v10


Find your way through the maze of emotions grief brings in this gentle, nurturing 2.5 hour workshop led by an experienced facilitator that will leave you feeling comforted, heard and held. Explore how using a variety of creative techniques and simple, non-strenuous yoga practices, will help you heal the pain of losing someone or something you love. PLACES STRICTLY LIMITED TO A MAXIMUM OF 15 Morning snacks included in price


You will smile again. I promise.

With lots of love,

Edwina xxx