Well, the year is certainly starting with some good omens writing-wise. My story “Broken” is available online at http://www.asialiteraryreview.com/web/article/en/132>. Thanks to Chris and Tim at Asia Literary Review, a quality publication with fascinating stories, essays,  poetry and reportage from our side of the world. Also exciting is the news that an excerpt from my story” The Raft” (itself an excerpt from my forthcoming novella Thrill Seekers) is going to be published in the QLD newspaper The Courier Mail tomorrow. This feels like a huge milestone for me. Some recognition in my home town. Thanks to Erica and Julianne at Griffith REVIEW for making it possible and helping me achieve a long held goal. Seems like my new year tree is flowering already. Thanks to you all for your ongoing support.

Lots of love,


5 thoughts on “EXCITING NEWS

    • Thanks so much Fave. Just received my copy of Island with YOUR name in print and my favourite Little Kingfisher story. Love your writing. Love you too!

    • Ransom says June Peter, but I’m not holding my breath. They’re working on marketing so that’s a good thing.
      Missed you at the writers meeting. What are you working on now?

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